Sunday, January 23, 2011

Margarita's Cecinas

205 Hamilton Road
Fairfield, NSW, 2165
Ph. (02) 9728 3371
Hours: Tue - Fri 8am - 6pm; Sat 8am - 3pm; Sun 8am - 2pm

When we first walked into this store we were overwhelmed by the sheer variety of  colourful cans and jars of South American pickles, beans, cold cuts and hanging cured meats. The smell of mild paprika perfumed the air, igniting all of our senses.

Canned Pickled Vegetables, Chillies, Beans, Tea, Stocks & Sauces

Not one can nor jar seemed out of place. You can see that the owner Magarita, takes great care and pride in the presentation of her store. Everything seemed immaculate and the prices were reasonable. What we particularly liked was the selection of authentic cold cuts and hanging Chorizos. They also had a great variety of pre-marinated meats such as Pork Belly in Garlic & Paprika.

The Smallgoods selection included:
- Arrollado Huaso (Pork Roll)
- Pollo Alinado (Marinated Chicken)
- Matambre (Rolled Flank Steak filled with Vegetables, Eggs & Herbs)
- Pates, Aspic, Terrines
- Asado Carnicero, de Tiras, Alinado (Roast Meats)
- Chorizo Chilenos (Chilean Chorizos), Picantes (Spicy Chorizos), Finos (High Quality Chorizos)
- Longanizas (a Sausage similar to a Chorizo)
- Prietas / Morcillas (Black Pudding)
- Pichanga (mixture of Ham, Cheese and Olives)
- Mollejas (Gizzards)
- Tripe, Liver, Kidneys
- Conejos (Rabbit)
- Lenguas (Tongue)
- Costillar Alinado (Marinated Ribs)
- Empanada (Stuffed Pastry).....and much more

A snapshot of the Smallgoods Selection

Some great advice, don't forget your cooler bag!

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